BIAAP operates a fixed fee charging system, however if any client would rather not pay on a fixed fee basis, the organisation would be able to provide them with an estimate of the fee that might fall to be payable. This particular fee will be subject to change should the firm in completing the application undertake an additional or unexpected work. Moreover, if it becomes necessary to instruct a Barrister, the client will be informed by letter in advance and an agreement reached with them as to the limit of charges to be incurred. We will duly inform the client once the agreed limit is reached.
Initial Consultation £60.00 (30 Minute diagnostic meeting)
BIAAP operates a fixed fee charging system and expect full payment upon instruction. However, should any client be unable to pay the fee in full on instruction, we would accept 65% of the fee upon instruction and the balance may be paid by instalments subject to prior agreement and the terms of instalment payment policy (see our terms and conditions of contract) on this link.